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Cylinder & Grippers

We design, manufacture, install and maintain turret-turning grippers for Tentech-designed FPSOs.

A mighty grip of FPSO turret systems.

At Whittaker we design, manufacture, install and maintain turret-turning grippers for Tentech-designed FPSOs. Gripping the rail with 850-1000 tonnes of force while 300 Te jacking cylinders push or pull the turret, the grippers prevent anchor chains and risers from winding up as the ship turns to face the weather. Careful, clean assembly of these hydraulic components is essential for long service and compliance with rigorous testing. Used in the North Sea for over ten years on Class approved vessels, our systems are currently deployed on the Maersk Gryphon A, Maersk GPIII and Chevron Captain.


Upper Hindwells
AB39 3UT
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0) 1569 762018
F: +44 (0) 1569 766701

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